Speaker will have 15 minutes for oral presentations, plus 5 minutes for questions.
Posters must be done in A0 format. This is 1189mm long and 841mm wide.
Abstract Formatting and Submission
Abstract formatting
Abstracts will be accepted for oral and poster presentations.
The format will be as “extended abstracts”, with a maximum of four (4) A4 pages with 2.5 cm margin on all 4 sides, all with single-spaced (1.0) text.
The text must be written in English, the official conference language. Abstracts have to include a title (all CAPITAL LETTERS, Centered, Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold), all authors (Centered, Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal; surname in uppercase preceded by first name, authors affiliation indicated by superscript numbers), authors affiliation (Times New Roman, 10 pt, centered, italic, superscript numbers corresponding with those of the authors followed by the full postal address of each author and e-mail), text body (Times New Roman, 12 pt, left justified, no section heading).
A maximum of three (3) color figures, photographs or tables is allowed. The figure/table number must be indicated below (Times New Roman, 10 pt, left justified). Mathematical symbols and equations must be typed in, and metric symbols should be used.
References can be included in the text and must be listed at the end of the text.References must be formatted as for Sedimentology http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291365- 3091/homepage/ForAuthors.html
We recommend that the abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last minute changes. The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the meeting by the author or, at least, by one of the co-authors, which also must be registered.
Abstract submission
Opening of abstract reception June 15th 2015.
The deadline for abstract submission is August 14th 2015.
Acceptance will be decided by October 2nd 2015.
Use a text editor of your choice to compile your abstract following the rules outlined above. Save the file in MS Word .doc or .docx-format.
Abstract submissions must be done via e-mail as an attached file to gmeperillo@criba.edu.ar and to tidalites2015@gmail.com
Please, indicate under which main theme you consider it corresponds (check the Meeting web page http://tidalites2015.gl.fcen.uba.ar/) and your preference about oral or poster presentation when submitting.